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At Sir Roger Manwood’s School, students are encouraged to engage with what is on offer at the School in order to explore and develop all aspects of their characters with the goal of them becoming confident, independent young people who will excel at whatever they decide is the next stage of their young life. Do please take the time to read our Mission Statement, as it describes in far more detail what the School is endeavouring to achieve for its students.

We strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for the young people who enter through our doors, and work tirelessly with them so that they develop into confident, happy and successful citizens, prepared for the global nature of the 21st century world around them. We provide a broad curriculum which is balanced, relevant, enjoyable and challenging to all pupils. It is a core belief of the school that all individuals are equally valued and that everyone treats one another with mutual respect . They are encouraged to take part in the many extracurricular activities on offer and supported to so that they achieve as highly, in an academic sense, as they are able. The vast majority of students in Year 11 stay on into the sixth form, and they progress to top universities, including Russell Group and Oxbridge.

We seek to provide a caring community which encourages concern and respect for the welfare of others and one that enables each individual to flourish. To this end, the School places great emphasis on its pastoral system, with Form Tutors, Heads of Year, SEND Manager, Student Receptionist, Curriculum Access Administrator, PSHE taught curriculum, School Nurse, School Counsellor (for 2 days a week) and Assistant Head (Wellbeing and Pastoral) all promoting the welfare and personal development of each and every pupil. The School is lucky to enjoy very high standards of behaviour, and a strong sense of loyalty, from its students but a cornerstone of our system is the fact that students can contact any member of staff, at any time during the school day, if they are worried about something, and that well-developed procedures then come into play. In addition, students have many opportunities to develop skills and personal qualities, both in the formal curriculum and in the extra-curricular life of the School.

Leadership opportunities abound at the School - Sixth Formers are encouraged to help in a number of areas with Junior classes and a ‘buddying’ system operates in Years 7 and 8. Sixth formers also act as Area Prefects and Sports Leaders (when in Year 12) and School Prefects, House Prefects or School Captains (when in Year 13). These are obviously in addition to the positions of responsibility that are within our extra-curricular provision e.g. Combined Cadet Force, Drama, Duke of Edinburgh, Music and Sports.

Please do take the time to look through our website to gain a glimpse of what Manwood’s has to offer. The links below, to short videos, are also worth viewing as they show different aspects of life here at SRMS we value our traditions, yet at the same time look to progress and offer our students the best possible education we can that prepares them for their immediate post-SRMS next step – whether that be Higher Education, a Degree Level Apprenticeship or the world of work.