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Medical Information for Students

To ensure the safety and proper administration of medications in school, it is crucial to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Forms Completion: Medication cannot be administered at school without the correct forms being completed. These forms are easily accessible and can be downloaded, filled out, and submitted either via email or in person when the medication is delivered to the school.
  2. Delivery of Medication: Parents are responsible for delivering the medication to the school office. The medication must be in its original container, bottle, or box. This ensures that the medication is correctly identified and administered according to the prescribed instructions.
  3. Proper Protocols: No medication will be given unless all the proper protocols have been followed. This includes having the completed forms and delivering the medication in its original packaging.
  4. Student Restrictions: Students are not permitted to carry any medications on their person. The only exceptions to this rule are asthma inhalers and Epipens, which students may carry for emergency use only.

By following these guidelines, we can help ensure the safe and effective administration of medications to students who need them during school hours.